Maximizing Your Solar Panel Efficiency with Regular Cleaning

A photo showing a close-up view of a solar panel array.

Over 780,000 Texas homes have solar panels. This number should come as no surprise, given the various benefits associated with installing a solar array.

This clean energy source does come with a relatively high upfront cost, so most Texans try to get the best performance from their solar setups and make them last as long as possible.

One way to do this is by keeping the panels clean. In this guide, we’ll examine the link between solar panel efficiency and cleaning.

How Solar Panels Work

Before diving headfirst into this topic, it is vital to understand how exactly solar panels work. Each panel is made of special photovoltaic cells designed to absorb sunlight and convert it into electricity.

The amount of electricity these cells generate is directly proportional to the amount of sunlight they receive. This means anything that gets between the solar cell and sunlight will reduce the panel’s efficiency.

Why Dirty Solar Panels Underperform

Solar panels are usually installed on rooftops, which means they are susceptible to various outdoor elements. This includes dust and dirt, which can accumulate on the panel’s surfaces.

A layer of dust or dirt can reduce a solar panel’s efficiency by partially blocking sunlight and preventing some of it from reaching the photovoltaic cells underneath. The only way to restore the solar panel array’s original efficiency is to clean off the dust and dirt.

Many people hire professionals to perform solar panel cleaning in Round Rock for this very reason.

How a Single Dirty Solar Panel Can Impact Your Entire Solar Panel System

The point described above may be obvious to anyone who understands how solar panels work, but there’s a lesser-known issue that can be just as troublesome.

If one of the solars in your array is especially dirty, its underperformance can impact your entire array. This problem is prominent in systems where the panels are arranged in series.

This is because the current flowing through the entire system will be equivalent to the current that flows through the worst-performing panel. So, if your solar panel array is connected in a series, it is vital to ensure every single panel is kept clean.

A photo showing a close-up view of a solar panel array.

Get Professional Solar Panel Cleaning In Round Rock

As you can see, cleaning your solar panels is vital to keep your solar system working at its best. If you’re interested in hiring professionals to carry out solar panel cleaning in Round Rock, reach out to EverClean.

We offer these solar panel cleaning services in addition to our other services related to residential property cleaning in Round Rock. Get the best performance from your solar panels by hiring our professionals.

Contact us to schedule a solar panel cleaning job today or to learn more about our professional cleaning services in Round Rock.


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